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Policies, Rules and Facilities

Enrollment and Admission Guidelines


                It is the policy of the state to provide for a free and compulsory public elementary education (D.O. No. 44 s. 1988).Hence, all Filipino children enrolling in this school shall be admitted regardless of sex, creed, socio-economic status, racial or ethnic origin, political and other affiliation, in the public  school system. 


A. For Kinder School

                All Children who are borne on October 31, 2010 or earlier are eligible for earlier are eligible for enrolment.

B. For Grade I Entrants

  • Children who are borne on October 31, 2009 are eligible for enrolment in grade I.

  • They shall be required to submit photocopy of the birth/baptismal certificate, pre-school education certificate and take the School Reading Assessment Test(SREA).

C. For Grade II-VI Pupils

Present the Form 138 (Pupil’s Report Card) and Certificate of Good Moral Character (For Transferee


Contributions and School Fee

                The school shall observe the guidelines on “No Collection Policy” (D.O. No. 41,s.2011) during the enrolment period.PTA membership fee shall be collected through the PTA treasurer  with the amount determined,and approved by the association.

                Fund drives contributions like BSP/GSP SMF,Anti –TB and PNRC shall no longer be collected from the pupils since the payment for these contributions. longer be collected from the pupils since the payment for these contributions have already assumed by the Provincial Governor through a Memorandum of Agreement signed by the DepEd and Provincial Government officials.

Honor Rules and Awarding

                In determining the honor pupils the school selection committee composed of all the advisers in every grade level, school guidance coordinator and the principal as chairman, evaluate and rank the candidates following the guidelines prescribed in DepEd Order No. 13,s.2011.

                The final selection and announcement of honor pupils shall be made not later than 10 working days before the recognition or graduation exercises. Honor and deserving pupils shall be awarded with medals, ribbons, or certificates depending on the distinction the pupils obtained.





School Principal and teachers shall have the right to impose appropriate and reasonable disciplinary measures in cases of minor offenses or misconduct made by school children. However, no cruel or physically harmful punishment shall be imposed or applied against any pupil.


                The school shall inform the parents of any misconduct made by their children for which disciplinary action is necessarily taken. Offenses punishable by suspension or expulsion depending on the seriousness of the offenses committed.

  • Gross misconduct

  • Cheating or stealing

  • Assaulting a teacher or any school authority.

  • Smoking inside the school premises.

  • Vandalism, writing on or destroying school property like chairs, tables, windows, books laboratory equipment ,others.

  • Gambling of any sort.

  • Drinking intoxicants and liquor.

  • Carrying and concealing deadly weapons.

  • Extortion or asking money from others.

  • Fighting causing injury to others.

  • Using possessing and selling of prohibited drugs.

  • Forging or tampering of school records or transfer forms.




All pupils are required to wear the prescribed uniform for school identity.


For Boys: White polo or white T-shirt with school logo, checkered navy blue short pant, black shoes with white socks


For Girls: Checkered skirt with pleats and white blouse with sailor collar and necktie, black shoes or rubber shoes with white socks.




  • Earrings are for girls only. Boys are not allowed to wear earrings.

  • Tattoo for boys or girls are strictly prohibited.

  • Applying cosmetics is prohibited for all pupils but proper grooming should be observed at all times.


Haircut and Grooming


  • Hair properly kept and well combed

  • Colored and highlighted hair is not allowed

  • Inappropriate haircut and hairstyle are not allowed.




                Regularly of attendance and punctuality are required in all classes. A pupil who has been absent for several times or cut classes, is required to present a letter of explanation from the parents or guardians or to bring them for a short meeting with the class advisers, guidance counselor or grievance committee as the case may be.




            Punctuality is a lifelong habit to be encouraged. The first bell is a warning bell and rings at the morning for flag ceremony and recess. After the flag ceremony, classes begin.




            Agdangan ES has a “Closed Campus Policy”. Children are not allowed/ permitted to leave the grounds on their own during school day. The school cannot be responsible for pupils who violate school rules and leave school grounds without receiving permission from the school authorities. Only in special cases, and with parental permission, are children allowed to leave school grounds during the school day.




            We need to know where your child should be at the end of each school day. If you need to make a change to your child’s routine, please send a note with the date and changes to your child’s teacher. You may also come in and write a note at the office.


            Pupils are not permitted in any school rooms or buildings after school hours unless they are under direct supervision for a special activity.




            If you pick your child during the day for an appointment, please send a note to your child’s teacher with the specific time you plan to pick him/her up.




            Toys and other non-educational objects are distracting to their owners and to other children and may constitute a safety hazard with a large group of children. They should be left at home. Laptops. iPod, CD Players, battery operated games are not allowed at school. These items will be confiscated and will only be returned to a parent.


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