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     Baao Central School

"The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind."

                                      ~Khalil Gibran


  Highlights of accomplishment of the school: An Interview


            Hello! I'm Mrs. Lydia B. Ballesteros, Grade-VI pupil’s adviser of Baao Central School. I’ve been teaching for almost 30 years. I have a lot of experiences here at Baao Central School and I’ve seen a lot of innovations of this school from the time that I was diploid by the DepEd here and until now.

            With regards to the accomplishments of the school in terms of physical facilities, we have ICT room beside Principals office. It has Computers with printers, touchscreen white board, projector and tables and chairs for conducive learning about ICT, because we do believe that such facilities will deepen and widen the knowledge of the pupils which is the most important in teaching learning process. We also have Television set at the Principals office to give us the new trends and issues inside and outside of academic community. Each classroom is well ventilated because it will help the pupils to better understand the discussion during class hours. We also have Library to equip the learnings of the pupils and at the same time the place for their researches. In general, we have enough in terms of physical facilities to enable the students arouse their eagerness in educative process.

            The academic activities of the each school serve as the basis if they are really providing the appropriate knowledge to the pupils. In line with this, the Baao Central School is very active with regards toss academic activities. There are pupils from grades 1 to 6 that are competing  specifically for quiz bee, spelling, oration, hand painting, dish gardening and others and we won that will lead us to compete also  in  district, division, and regional level of competition.  Indeed, the academic activities and participation of Baao Central  School as per required by the DepEd is  already a culture and it will continue to prove that the Baao Central School is one of the competitive school in Bicol Region.




Message of the Principal





         Baao Central School is honored  and privileged to be one of the cooperating schools of Central Bicol State University of Agriculture- College of Development Education in molding the student teachers to become competent, innovative, and resilient to the demands of teaching profession.


        I take this opportunity to extend my appreciation to all the CBSUA  student teachers and professor for their understanding, patience, and cooperation during the duration of the off-campus activities. Your cooperating teachers and I are hoping that the challenges and experiences you encountered in our school have contributed in equiping you to become the teachers our Filipino children deserve.




                             God Bless and Congratulations!     






A Teacher's Prayer

Help me to be a fine teacher, to keep peace in the classroom, peace between my students and myself, to be kind and gentle to each and every one of my students.
Help me to be merciful to my students, to balance mercy and discipline in the right measure for each student, to give genuine praise as much as possible, to give constructive criticism in a manner that is patable to my students.
Help me remain conscientious enough to keep my lessons always interesting, to recognize what motivates each of my students, to accept my student's limitations and not hold it against them.
Help me not to judge my students too harshly, to be fair to all, to be a good role model, but most of all Lord, help me to show your love to all of my students.






        “Teaching is the only profession that creates all other profession”. This saying touches our hearts that is why we chose to become one of the teachers of the 21st century.


          Practice teaching is of paramount importance in the vocational training of student teachers. It is this immersion into the real world of school that prepares the student in making the transition from trainee to professional. The  process of practice teaching allow the students to experience the real situation of teaching learning process, to be aware to the trends and issues in education and most especially to handle and educate pupils/students. Teachers are an extremely important facet of any society for a multitude of reasons. Teachers are the people who educate the youth of society who in turn become the leaders of the next generation of people. Teachers are the people who are teaching children and imparting knowledge upon them in their most impressionable years, what these kids learn from their teachers at a young age will most likely stay with them in some facet for the rest of their lives. So, teachers certainly have a significant mark on the development of young children and even older children alike, as they are teaching them and helping them develop their knowledge so that they can go on in life and be responsible and productive members of society.


        Indeed, the practice teaching of student teachers serves as an avenue to apply their knowledge gained from almost four year of study in their respective school  and also to learn new things in the real classroom setting in preparation for their future profession.












        “Teaching is the only profession that creates all other profession”. This saying touches our hearts that is why we chose to become one of the teachers of the 21st century.


          Practice teaching is of paramount importance in the vocational training of student teachers. It is this immersion into the real world of school that prepares the student in making the transition from trainee to professional. The  process of practice teaching allow the students to experience the real situation of teaching learning process, to be aware to the trends and issues in education and most especially to handle and educate pupils/students. Teachers are an extremely important facet of any society for a multitude of reasons. Teachers are the people who educate the youth of society who in turn become the leaders of the next generation of people. Teachers are the people who are teaching children and imparting knowledge upon them in their most impressionable years, what these kids learn from their teachers at a young age will most likely stay with them in some facet for the rest of their lives. So, teachers certainly have a significant mark on the development of young children and even older children alike, as they are teaching them and helping them develop their knowledge so that they can go on in life and be responsible and productive members of society.


        Indeed, the practice teaching of student teachers serves as an avenue to apply their knowledge gained from almost four year of study in their respective school  and also to learn new things in the real classroom setting in preparation for their future profession.











        The student teachers of Baao Central School, Baao, Camarines Sur wishes to express their profound gratitude to the following:



        The cooperating teachers of Baao Central School Ma’am Lydia Ballesteros,  Jisel  B. Bedural, Cherry B. Obelidor, Emerita B. Doroin, Diana Britanico, Jeaniffer Babilonia, Eva Pitalio, Romulo Michaelo Buena, Rosabel Sanchez and Jocelyn Fajardo, for the advice and sharing their expertise, encouragement and assistance given to the student teachers.


        Judith B. Maigue Ed. D. Principal of Baao Central School, for the guidance and support eversince practice teaching started.


        Prof. Semion B. Botor, Chairman Elementary Education Program (CBSUA), for helping the student teachers to be optimistic and strong in the whole duration of practice teaching.


        Dr. Gloria B. Osea, Dean of the College of Development Education, for letting the student teachers experience the real scenario of teaching learning process at Baao Central School, for equipping the student teachers sufficient knowledge not just only for Off- campus teaching but also in the field of Education as well.


        To the parents of student teachers, for their moral and financial support as they go through in the practice teaching.


        To the faculty and staff of Baao Central School for imparting their knowledge and allowing the student teachers used the facilities and equipment’s needed in teaching.


        To the Lord Almighty, who had given him knowledge and strength to finish the practice teaching.




          Nowadays, computer is one of the medium in teaching. It can be used as instructional materials to achieve an effective teaching learning process. In this academic year 2014-2015, the college of Development Education (CDE) brought out the new way of preserving the documented and narrated experiences of student teachers in the whole duration of their practice teaching and it is called Electronic Portfolio or E-Portfolio. An electronic portfolio is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web. Such electronic evidence may include inputted text, electronic files, images, multimedia, blog entries, and hyperlinks. E-portfolios are both demonstrations of the user's abilities and platforms for self-expression, and, if they are online, they can be maintained dynamically over time.


          This E- Portfolio of the student teachers of Baao Central School contains the evidences took from their practice teaching. Specifically, (a) highlights of accomplishment of the school; (b) brief description about the school; (c) reflections of each student teachers about their experiences in the school; (d) documents (Official Communication Letters); (e) Instruction (individual) Lesson plans, instructional materials, instructional observation sheet, evidences of classroom management, documents of classroom structuring, bulletin board, class schedule and seating plan; (f) Evidences of evaluating students’ performance; (g) evidences of final demonstration teaching; (h) extension activities; (h) research; (i) documentary report on community outreach; and (i) research output.


          This E- Portfolio shows the experiences of the student teachers upon taking practice teaching. For the future student teachers it will serve you as a guide perhaps inspiration to pursue your studies as you have viewed this E-Portfolio of Baao Central School student teachers SY 2014- 2015. Enjoy!



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Pictures of Student Teachers, Cooperating Teachers and the Principal

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